NMS/CONS /20-21/00055
The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for Conducting a Job Evaluation Review and Salary Survey for NMS.
- The Entity now invites eligible consultancy firms to submit sealed expressions of interest for Conducting a Job Evaluation Review and Salary Survey for NMS.
Job Evaluation.
- To enhance the implementation of performance management system.
- To undertake an in-depth job analysis to establish the relative worth of jobs at NMS.
- To undertake to determine the person specifications for the different jobs in relation to the key result areas/key accountabilities
- To review the current salary structure of NMS, carry out a salary survey in other similar agencies and recommend salary grading that is fair and equitable.
- To research and develop a proposed salary grading structure with scientific basis.
Staff Salary Review.
- To ensure the Corporation upholds its remuneration/ compensation policy of paying staff at rates that are fair and competitive with the comparable jobs in the labour market
- To ensure that the Corporation attracts, motivates and retains competent staff in the various positions in the Corporation’s establishment by offering appropriate and sustainable competitive rewards
- To enhance the implementation of performance management system
- To review the current salary structure of NMS and recommend appropriate fair and equitable and competitive salary packages.
- To drive continuous improvement in the performance of the Corporation by aligning the interests of individual staff with those of the Corporation through a performance incentive scheme
- To recognize basic needs of staff ensuring that the compensation addresses the changes in the cost of living and inflation.
- To maintain NMS as an employer of choice by deterring NMS staff from being attracted to other potential employers, considering the difficulty in replacing them and the related challenges.
- To ensure equity by bridging the gap between lower, middle and top management levels
The Consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
- Review the salary structure of the Corporation
- Read the literature on job grading for all approved positions, salary structure and job specifications of NMS which was conducted in 2013
- Read the legal frame work that established NMS.
- Review all relevant documents like the Corporate and Business plan, Human Resource Manual, Departmental manuals, Fraud policy, Financial and Accounting Procedures Manual, Human Resource Strategy, etc.
- Read the Key Result Areas for each job so as to be able to determine the relative worth of any job at NMS.
- The short listing criteria will include the following requirements and documents:
- A copy of valid trading licence or its equivalent;
- A copy of the certificate of registration or its equivalent;
- A signed statement indicating that the consultancy firm does not have a conflict of interest in the subject of the procurement;
- Registered/Notarized power of attorney that is specific to the tender.
- A valid Tax Clearance Certificate for 2020
- A valid PPDA certificate of registration.
- Proven experience in conducting Job Evaluation, reviews and analysis for at least four reputable organizations in the last five years (attach contracts and reference letters addressed to the General Manager ,National Medical Stores);
- At least ten years of consultancy experience related to Human Resource and Development.
- A Master’s degree in Social Sciences, Human Resource Management or Human Resource Development or a related field for the lead Consultant.
- Consultancy firms may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture to enhance their qualifications. The form of association, where applicable, should be indicated in the Expression of Interest.
- Interested eligible consultancy firms may obtain further information at the address given below from Monday to Friday between 0800hrs to 1700hrs:
The General Manager,
National Medical Stores,
Plot4-12 Nsamizi Road,
P.O. Box 16 Entebbe –UGANDA
Tel: 256 414 320542
E-mail :
- Sealed Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address above by 11:00AM local time on 19th November 2020 and opening shall be held the same day at 11:30AM
- The notice of expression of interest is available at the Entity’s website at and at
- The planned Procurement schedule (Subject to changes) is as follows:
Activity | Date |
29th October 2020 |
09th November 2020 at 11:00 AM |
c. Closing date for receipt of Expression of Interest | 19th November 2020 at 11:00AM |
d. Evaluation of Expressions of Interest | Within 15 working days after closing date. |
e. Display of shortlist | Within 2 working days after Contract Committee`s approval |
2020-11-19 16:05:00
2020-12-07 16:05:00