1. The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for service and repair of motor vehicles.
2. The Entity now invites eligible service providers to submit sealed expressions of interest for provision of Service and Repair of NMS motor vehicles. 3. Interested service providers should provide information demonstrating that they are eligible and possess the required qualifications to perform the services supported with relevant documentation. 4. The short listing criteria will include the following requirements and terms of reference as shown in annex 1:
5. Service providers may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture to enhance their qualifications. The form of association, where applicable, should be indicated in the Expression of Interest. 6. The detailed Terms of Reference for the provider are as shown in Annex 1 and can be obtained from the Procurement and Disposal Unit. 7. Interested eligible service providers may obtain further information at the address given below from Monday to Friday between 0800hrs to 1700hrs. The General Manager, National Medical Stores, Plot4-12 Nsamizi Road, P.O. Box 16 Entebbe –UGANDA Tel: 256 414 320542 E-mail : nms.go.ug
8. Sealed Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address above by 11:00AM local time on 03rd February, 2017 at the address in number 6 above. 9. The notice of expression of interest is available at the Entity’s website at www.nms.go.ug 10. The planned Procurement schedule (Subject to changes) is as follows: