Client Satisfaction Survey 2013

Like the baseline study of 2012, the current survey adopted a quantitative method of data collection using a structured questionnaire administered among 1032 respondents from the selected health facilities.

The survey revealed that that the overall Client satisfaction improved to 82% in 2013/2014 from 77% in wave 1 2011/2012. This was attributed to the many improvements NMS has put in place that has left the facilities blissful with the service delivery.

NMS is delivering on its mission as majority of the customers (95%) rated it favorably regarding making its services Simpler, Better and Faster. This was backed up by the Significant positive changes in satisfaction observed for Information systems, storage facilities and quality control systems.

The study revealed that the National Referral Hospitals have the highest satisfaction levels hence more satisfied. NMS staff was above the average at 55% in providing excellent services when it came to service deliveries to the clients.

However, a few clients 21% had contacted NMS in the 3 months prior to the study with majority (61%) contacting the regional offices in regards to complaints handling. This left a gap to create space for its clients to visit their premises for any occasion.

NMS has improved greatly on the Information dissemination to (67%) since 2012 as perceived by the clients. On this ‘Delivery schedules’ was the most commonly received information from NMS in the 6 months prior to the study mainly from DHOs and NMS information materials.

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