Procurement and Disposal Unit

General Objective

“To efficiently and effectively procure quality and affordable trading and non-trading supplies, works and services”

The scope of trading stock: Medicines, Hospital Sundries and Consumables, Hospital Equipments, Antiseptics & Disinfectants; Orthopaedic supplies; Edible and IV Nutritional supplements, Laboratory and Diagnostic products, Hospital Stationary and Dental supplies.

Scope of non-trading stock: non-medical supplies, works and services that support National Medical Stores’ Operations and Administration.




  1. Developing procurement plans for each financial year
  2. Maintaining an updated pre-qualified suppliers database, and update it periodically
  3. Monitoring and evaluating management of contracts by Contract Managers
  4. Ensuring the safety and accessibility of Procurement documents for review and audit purposes
  5. Build and Maintain supplier relations
  6. Preparing and disseminating reports and communication in a timely
  7. Appropriate disposal of out of use supplies

The NMS Procurement Process



  • Lower Prices due to economies of scale
  • Attraction of   a wide range of suppliers hence competition
  • Ability to pay suppliers in a timely manner hence improved NMS-Supplier relations

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