Title: Supply of Office Furniture on a 3 Year framework contract Procurement Reference: NMS/SUPLS/24-25/00041 Description: 1.The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the Supply of Office Furniture on a 3 Year...
Title: Supply of 3 Ply Continuous Sheets (Invoicing Papers) on a 3 Year framework contract Procurement Reference: NMS/SUPLS/24-25/00040 Description: 1.The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the Supply of 3 Ply...
Title: Supply of Hi-Tech Security Padlocks and Display Key Cabinet with hooks on a 3 Year framework Contract Procurement Reference: NMS/SUPLS/24-25/00010 Description: 1.The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the Supply...
Title: Provision of Incineration Services on a Three-Year Framework Contract Procurement Reference: NMS/NCONS/24-25/00033 Description: 1.The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the acquisition of Provision of Incineration services on a three-year...
Title: Invitation to bid for the Supply of Tamper Proof Seals and Cutters for Distribution Fleet on a three-year framework contract Procurement Reference: NMS/SUPLS/24-25/00014 Description: 1.The National Medical Stores. has allocated funds to be used...
Title: Provision Laboratory Equipment Calibration Services on a Three-Year Framework Contract Procurement Reference: NMS/NCONS/24-25/00011 Description: 1.The National Medical Stores . has allocated funds to be used for the acquisition of Provision of Laboratory Equipment Calibration...
Title: Provision of Comprehensive Insurance cover for NMS corporation assets on a 3 Year framework contract Procurement Reference: NMS/NCONS/24-25/00009 Description: The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for theProvision of Comprehensive Insurance...
Title: Provision of Patch and Vulnerability Management software on a three-year framework contract Procurement Reference: NMS/CONS/24-25/00006 Description: The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the acquisition of Patch and Vulnerability Management...
Title: Supply of Laboratory Equipment and Instruments Procurement Reference: NMS/SUPLS/24-25/00005 Description: The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the acquisition of Laboratory Equipment and Instruments. The Entity invites sealed bids from...
Title: Supply of General Laboratory safety and protective gear consumables Procurement Reference: NMS/SUPLS/24-25/00004 Description: The National Medical Stores has allocated funds to be used for the acquisition of General Laboratory safety and protective gear consumables....